Double Degree
The Génétique Moleculaire Curriculum is the result of an agreement between Université de Paris and the University of Padua, who mutually un- dertook to promote an integrated study program in the field of molecular biology, with a focus on genetics. The main objective of the project is to provide advanced and operational knowledge in the field of molecular biol- ogy. The Signatory Universities joined forces to create a study path that, following the appropriate adaptations of the respective initial paths, allows the release of a double degree to the respective students who have completed the planned training path. Full details on the agreements terms and the rules to be eligible for the double degree can be found in the AGREEMENT and ANNEX, both downloadable from this page.
A maximum of six students can be enrolled in this curriculum each aca- demic year. In order to select the six students, the candidates should formally apply to be selected for this Curriculum during their first year of their re- spective Master’s degrees. All the details and requirements to submit the application and to participate to the selection can be found in the Call for Admission which will be available for downloading from these pages.
Outgoing students
Instructions about application can be found in the Call for Admission, that is published every year in March. Applicants should provide the following documents:
• application form (attached to the Call for Admission);
• bachelor certificate with marks (if you’ve graduated in Padova, you can find it in your Uniweb profile);
• letter of motivation.
If you are selected for the Double Degree, you should then ask the Mo- bility Office at UNIPD for all the necessary procedures and documents.
If you attend the research work for the Master Thesis in Paris, after your graduation in Paris you must send the following information to the Administrative Secretariat:
• copy of the Master Thesis in PDF/A format;
• names of the Master Thesis supervisors;
• graduation date in Paris;
• receipt of the AlmaLaurea survey (you can find the access link in your Uniweb profile).
Incoming students
Documents needed by the Administrative Secretariat after your arrival in Padova:
• Transcript of Records of the exams you’ve passed in your first year of the Master’s Degree in Paris;
Remember to fill in your study plan during the compilation period, which is usually set in November: if you need help to choose the exams, you can ask the Double Degree Academic Coordinator or your tutor.
If you attend the research work for the Master Thesis in Paris, after your graduation you must send the following information to the Administrative Secretariat:
• copy of the Master Thesis in PDF/A format;
• names of the Master Thesis supervisors;
• graduation date in Paris;
• receipt of the AlmaLaurea survey (you can find the access link in your Uniweb profile).
Announcement in the Double Degree (accademic year 2025-2026)