Educational Offer
Master's Degree Course In Sanitary Biology
The training offer, which is organized in semesters, is based on class lessons, class excercises, wet labs and computer labs. The organization of the Study Course and all the information concerning the single courses, the methods of assessment, the suggested textbooks and the lecturers, are available at the following link.
News Bullettin
The course's bullettin is an official document containing general information (First Part) and more specific information concerning the single Degree Courses (Second Part). The second part deals with the training offer for each academic year, the Educational Regulations, the programs of the teaching units, the names of the lecturers in charge of each course, or part of course. The bullettin for the current accademic year, as well as those for the preceding accademic years, are available (in pdf format) through the web pages of the School of Science.